“Like when someone stated you don't have the right to design if you don't understand the politics of a nation. What do I provide to this country as a countryman, not a designer, is a question I've always asked myself. For me, problem-solving through design”.



tanvir vora

“Like when someone stated you don’t have the right to design if you don’t understand the politics of a nation. What do I provide to this country as a countryman, not a designer, is a question I’ve always asked myself. For me, problem-solving through design”.


Blouse Of Zardozi envisions organizing an unorganized industry and offers a guarantee of the quality and handmade craftsmanship of Zardozi.

My goal is to restore the craftsmen’ sense of pride in their excellent skill and to keep it alive so that the households of artisans can benefit economically and socially.

We are working assiduously to establish Ahmedabad as a global manufacturing hub and popularize Zardozi, an ancient Indian skill.

The goal of Blouse of Zardozi is to preserve and regenerate handcrafted textiles made with traditional hand embroidery.


I support minimalism and the development of a fresh, modern, and sophisticated aesthetic vocabulary through a selection of blouses, lehengas, and other accessories.

I truly want to create a piece of handcrafted modern art employing historical royal needlework that was created using ancient skills and reflects contemporary ladies.

Given the right circumstances, our artisans can work wonders. In my opinion, their talent, my design, and effective marketing and branding can start a new chapter.

We are working assiduously to establish Ahmedabad as a global manufacturing hub and popularize Zardozi, an ancient Indian skill.

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